July 4, 2020
Dear Maisy,
I can't believe my Maisy baby is 6-years-old! This year you turned me into a "growing up" (as you like to say). Suddenly I have a girl who thinks for herself, can ride a bike with two wheels, is losing her baby teeth (one down so far), and knows how to read and loves it!
This year we did kindergarten homeschool style. We loved spending that special time together and I love your love for learning.
You love to spend your days playing with your siblings whom you cherish deeply, crafting, listening to audio books, and simply being with me. You're so sweet, always willing to help me when I ask, lend a hand and care for your siblings physically and emotionally, and you're always willing and wanting of a smile, hug, kiss or snuggle. You take such good care of those you love and of your things, you are very responsible. I truly hope and pray you keep all of that wonderfulness in you all the days of your life.
For your shoot this year we grabbed your favorite books for a book photo: The Jesus Storybook Bible, The Borrowers (you haven't read much yet but it is your first big girl book of your own from me), Little House on the Prairie, and The Little Princess (you actually haven't read this one but it's pretty and I do think you'll like it when you get to it). Then we simply wandered around the dog park area of Palmer Park taking pretty pictures of you. Of course we did all the playful things like jumping, running, twirling, and tickling and those are all my favorites because I got that real, pure as sunshine, Maisy smile out of you.
You're a joy. I'm so very proud of who you are and so thankful that God gave you to me to raise and love and cherish all the days of my life.
I love you with all my heart and more.
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